
Claire Who?

Claire Incorruptible. Thats who. 

 From Chanel to YSL, Claire Inc. boasts the most enviable collection of designer vintage I ever did see. Not that I have ever been able to afford any of it, but the perfectly styled shoots keep me dropping by on a regular basis for a hit of inspiration. Vintage lovers, I promise it's well worth a visit.

Or click here to visit their Ebay store. 



If you haven't already noticed, Free Radical has had a bit of a face lift. What do you think?


take me back .....

to a 1950's beach scene, wearing PRADA head to toe.

 It may be old news to most by now, but I don't care, I still have so much love for the Spring '10 collection; and just when I thought it was impossible give it anymore love, I laid eyes on the lookbook. Now, love is a word often tossed around lightly in my rantings about various collections, so I almost want to refrain from using it here, because this is more mind blowing than anything I have ever seen. 

Lok Jansen, the man behind all of Prada's lookbooks, has outdone himself. Like stills from a movie about dystopian time travellers, he has represented the fantasy of the collection so brilliantly. Prada has well and truly stolen my heart. 


behind the lens.

These are three of my favourite fashion films right now. Each enigmatic in its own way, they are making me fall in love with the idea of film making.

The LOVE thing. By James Lima for LOVE Magazine.
The first magazine to create a feature of this kind. Why not set the bar high? P.S. I happen to be very bias towards anything involving Dree Hemmingway.

PRADA. Spring/Summer 2010.
Super glamourous soundtrack and visually stunning ....

"Sunshower" by Fred Butler.
Who doesn't want to dance naked in a field adorned with such devine accessories?

The art of contradiction.

Have you ever stopped to observe the crazy beautiful paradox that is life? I've come to a few realizations recently about my very own tangled web of contradictions, and then discovered, they aren't just my own, I look around and I see contradictions everywhere. Just think about the number of times you have heard someone say “I would never do that.” And before you know it, there they are, doing the very thing they said they would absolutely never do. I know I am guilty of it. Its easy to say you stand for "this" or "that" but to actually live by it exclusively is a challenge we all fail at. Yet are ever so swift in remarking on the weaknesses of others.

Have we all just perfected the art of contradiction? The art of simultaneously holding a cigarette in one hand, a glass of wine in the other and telling our friends (and ourselves) how superbly our 'get fit' plan is going.

Photo Source: unknown