Have you ever stopped to observe the crazy beautiful paradox that is life? I've come to a few realizations recently about my very own tangled web of contradictions, and then discovered, they aren't just my own, I look around and I see contradictions everywhere. Just think about the number of times you have heard someone say “I would never do that.” And before you know it, there they are, doing the very thing they said they would absolutely never do. I know I am guilty of it. Its easy to say you stand for "this" or "that" but to actually live by it exclusively is a challenge we all fail at. Yet are ever so swift in remarking on the weaknesses of others.
Have we all just perfected the art of contradiction? The art of simultaneously holding a cigarette in one hand, a glass of wine in the other and telling our friends (and ourselves) how superbly our 'get fit' plan is going.
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