So, while I've got the ball rolling about women who get better with age, I want to share an article I read on Helen Mirren. Its hard not to fall in love with what wonderfully secure and liberated woman she is. Yes, sure, some are of the opinion she gets her bits out a bit too often, but I figure when you win the genetic lottery and look as healthy and radiant as her well after menopause, why not be loud and proud about your body. Love her or hate her, I think her perspectives on age and sexuality are wonderful and so inspiring.
This made my day a little brighter. She gets hotter with age, so does her style. Not sure if it is humanly possible but her legs seem to get longer too. These are some of the lookbook snaps for her latest capsule collection for Opening Ceremony. I loooooove.
I was swept off my feet more than usual with this months Russh. Firstly, the incredible Stevie Dance, who has bought so much joy to the pages of Russh each month, has finally been appointed editor. I personally feel as though she is the creative backbone of the magazine, so its only logical the top job had her name on it eventually. I like to think of her as Australia's answer to Grace Coddo. Her shoots are truly inspired and hold such depth that engages you far beyond a mere fashion shoot. She is a true story teller.
Secondly, this months cover shoot " Bunny aint no kinda rider" is all kinds of amazing. It features Tony Ward and Leva Laguna in an age old story of the fiery chemistry between artist and muse. Portrayed in only a way Dance could, with large orgasmic explosions of colour, caught so spectacularly by Will Davidson. It's sexy, and so beautiful. Could they have picked a more perfect man to portray this role other than Ward I ask?
Yes, I am still alive. Yes, it does feel like a million years since I last posted. Due to the fact that, no, uni hasn't finished (until 7:00pm tonight that is), and Yes, at exactly 7:15 I will be sipping on a nice strong beverage. It breaks my heart how time consuming uni is sometimes, its going well and I can't wait to graduate, however I've neglect my bloggy wog. Lucky for my blog, unlike the myriad of plants and other living things Ive attempted to nurture, it can't die. Anyway, back to the point of this post. Ive taken a quick fiver out of my study schedule today for a little update on the Runway Passport front. Because I think you all should know the site has officially gone live, and we are all very excited about it : )
There are lots of amazing fashion exclusives, photoshoots, runway reports and interviews from the wonderful creative team of bloggers and contributers from all around the world! PLUS there is something in it for you! If you register today you can go into the draw to win this amazing pair of Sunglasses from Local Firm (which retail for $200).
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