I was swept off my feet more than usual with this months Russh. Firstly, the incredible Stevie Dance, who has bought so much joy to the pages of Russh each month, has finally been appointed editor. I personally feel as though she is the creative backbone of the magazine, so its only logical the top job had her name on it eventually. I like to think of her as Australia's answer to Grace Coddo. Her shoots are truly inspired and hold such depth that engages you far beyond a mere fashion shoot. She is a true story teller.
Secondly, this months cover shoot " Bunny aint no kinda rider" is all kinds of amazing. It features Tony Ward and Leva Laguna in an age old story of the fiery chemistry between artist and muse. Portrayed in only a way Dance could, with large orgasmic explosions of colour, caught so spectacularly by Will Davidson. It's sexy, and so beautiful. Could they have picked a more perfect man to portray this role other than Ward I ask?
Secondly, this months cover shoot " Bunny aint no kinda rider" is all kinds of amazing. It features Tony Ward and Leva Laguna in an age old story of the fiery chemistry between artist and muse. Portrayed in only a way Dance could, with large orgasmic explosions of colour, caught so spectacularly by Will Davidson. It's sexy, and so beautiful. Could they have picked a more perfect man to portray this role other than Ward I ask?

Im stalking you now! I love all the images!