
summer lusting

Hello there. I've been crazy busy lately and once again the guilty pleasures in my life such as blogging have been shoved into the "maybe once you've finished that assignment" pile. In addition, it dawned on me that its once again the change of season when every girl in the universe gets that sinking feeling that summer is lurking. Which means its time for damage control to battle the love handles, paleness and hair that have taken over your body during the winter months. It's the secret reason we all love winter right? That victorious moment in the shower when you ask yourself whether to shave or not and then say "HAHA fuck it. I'm just going to wear stockings." = I WIN. 

However on a recent trip to Bali there was not one pair of stockings in sight and my vendetta against shaving was over.  So venus razor in hand, it was time to take off my trench coat and get into my bathers. Bali turned out to be amazing (already planning my next trip). I returned feeling browner, relaxed and much more optimistic about summer being just around the corner. Although broke, behind with uni and saddened that asking for a "cheaper price" isn't socially acceptable here. Just think of how greatly it would improve student living conditions.  Anyway time to get back to reality. 

here are a few items currently on my "summer survival list".  

Sportsgirl instant body bronzer. Wish I could buy this in bulk. 

The cruisey tunes of Tame Impala. 

Vogue, vogue and more vogue. 

Pastel nail polish and bright accessories with everything. 

A kick ass one piece. I was lucky enough to be gifted with this baby from the wonderful Brisbane label Black Milk. His fits and fabrics are to die for. 

(Source: Body Glow, nail polish and flower all by Sportsgirl, Bodysuit by Black Milk Clothing, Tame Impala CD Innerspeaker) 

1 comment:

Thanks for talking to me. xx