I spied with my wandering eye, and my heart went a flutter ........
With uni squandering my creative juices of late, the following pretty little tidbits have been able to quench the thirst. So, thanks to all the creative individuals out there freely roaming the earth, for keeping little old me sane. God bless.
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Tea with nan just got a whole lot sexier.
This quirky tea set is from the good humored designer Tina Tsang at Blaue Blume. It's super cute, and would be the talk of your next tea party. It would feel like a little Dita Von Teese was living in my sugar. Definitely on the wishlist. The website is equally as cute .......

Oh, could Stella McCartney be any more fabulous.
This remarkable creation was born through a collaboration between the lovely lady and Swarovski Crystals. It was originally created as an installation back in 2004, in the grand Beasley Castle of ye old UK, but made a guest appearance again earlier this year. The beauty which she name "Lucky Spot" is made up of over 7000 Swarovski crystals.
Dear Miss McCartney, If your looking for a cheap storage option,
I'd like to kindly offer my services. Have your people call my people.

RUSSH September 09' Issue // Fashion Editor Stevie Dance.
A very honourable mention to Stevie Dance who styled Ali Stephens for the cover of this issue. I imagine this is the way those non-mere mortals of the supermodel breed look after a workout. Like some dishevelled sports goddess, who you really dont want to mess with. This chick could definitely kick yo' ass. The contrast between the white, blue and red lips is spot on, throw in some diamonds and chunky metal chains for good measure.

This editorial was epic. 22 pages worth of epicness to be exact (yes, I just counted them to prove a point). The photographs could quite easily be stills from a 60's movie. When James Dean met Lolita. This is the latest addition to a rather lengthy list I have going called, "favourite editorials of all time".

she looks frighteningly like claudia schiffer!