Aurel Schmidt is a very intriguing 25 year old lass from New York, who's unique style has caught the eye of both the art and fashion world ..... and now mine. First of all, her art is typically not something I would go for, there is an unsettling morbidness about it. Its the way in which she artfully blends the elements of beauty and horror that makes her work so entrancing, and leaves you wanting more. Upon closer inspection you see that the images comprise of snakes, cigarettes, maggots, flies, spiderwebs and all things icky. She perfectly balances this with the softness of her brush strokes, colour choice and use of opacity, taking the edge of what typically should appear vile and unappealing.
Aurel Schmidt as an artist is genius, but after trawling through countless interviews with her, Ive decided that Im equally as in love with Aurel Schmidt as a person. She seems to be a real straight shooter, and wise beyond her years. Here outlook on life a times is rather twisted, but her honesty in answering tough questions about life is refreshing. There is a fantastic interview with her here where she talks about anti-consumerism, her upbringing and not smoking weed.
"I don't believe in god. I think the world is horrific. It always has been. And I don't mean just the everyday war rape and pillage child molesting alienating living hell that is existence. I mean the the fact that we are missing the end of the novel, we live everyday hurdling full speed towards a brick wall, and have no fucking clue what will happen after we hit. Its terrifying, but I love it…I love life more then life."
You have to zoom in on the pictures to really grasp the amount of work poured into each picture, and to better see all the individual elements that contribute to the overall image. Her full repertoire of works can be viewed at tinyvices.com along with some great closeups.

She was born and raised in Canada, saying she "grew up in a small white trash town, where everyone did crystal meth and everyone was a wigga." Which is a far cry from the fashion savvy NY socialite she has become today. Front row for a number of shows at Fashion Week, she also made it on Papermags Beautiful People list 2009. I also secretly wish I was able to pull off the wide rimmed glasses with such street cred. sigh.
Basically, Aurel is the beez freaking neeez. Aight.

The pink dress above is so so so amazing.
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